Pine Orchard Nursery School


A group of kids sitting in a line.

Children at PONS enjoy science experiments, dramatic play, creative art, and many hands-on activities. We read books, sing songs, play musical instruments, chart the weather, and count everything in sight. We play outside every day - weather permitting. Visit us on Facebook to see more about the day-to-day life at PONS.


Our programs are based on the knowledge that children learn best when they are actively involved and can use all of their senses to explore and learn. The program promotes the development of social skills through individual choice time and play, as well as various group activities.

The class meets together at "circle time" to share stories, play games, and learn about each other and the world around us.

Our curriculum includes letter and number recognition, shapes and colors, and a variety of units on topics such as families, friends, nutrition, our five senses, community helpers, sea life, and dinosaurs. Learning centers within the classroom give children the opportunity to explore, create, experiment, and learn at their own pace. We recognize the value and importance of play.

Teachers encourage and enrich the children's play to help them learn cooperation and problem-solving skills and to develop curiosity and self esteem. One of our most important goals is to encourage the development of enthusiastic learners. We want the children to be excited about learning. Giving the children the opportunity to make choices during the day helps us achieve this goal as well as helping the children develop creativity, independence, and self-confidence.

Our classes are for children ages three, four, and five, with two mixed-age group sessions meeting Monday through Thursday, and one morning session on Friday. Families may choose the appropriate number of sessions, in either the morning (9:00am to 12:00pm) or afternoon (12:00 pm to 3:00pm). Children also have the option of attending a full day session from 9:00am to 3:00pm; they will be given a break for lunch (parents must provide lunch) and a rest period. We encourage children preparing for Kindergarten to attend three to five sessions per week.


Memorial Day

No School

Potential Last Day of School

Last Day of School and Stepping Up Ceremony


  • Trays of drying art
  • Three kids play in the snow, behind them a PONS mural
  • A child raising his hand to ask a question
  • Boxes of legos
  • tows and art on the floor, off to right a child plays
  • Two children paste paper collages
  • A book shelf
  • Child looking into camera, other kids sit behind him
  • Young kid playing with wooden trains